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#Army corps lock queue report portable
This makes it easier to prioritize them based on the level of importance, and keep tabs on the request’s status in the queue. “It’s definitely been time saving for the tenants, but also time saving for UH staff because of less foot traffic in the offices.”Īlong with the time-saving perks, Whirley says the program provides managers with more oversight on what maintenance requests tenants are submitting. “In the past, residents had to come to the staff office or the main office front desk,” Whirley said. For William Whirley Jr., Naval Air Station Oceana’s UH program director, this is especially the case when comparing to older customer service methods. Not only does this new system make it easier for a Sailor to report an issue or share feedback, it’s easier for managers to resolve issues effectively and efficiently. “The QR codes allow our customers who are now almost 100% reliant on their smart phones to utilize apps they are familiar and comfortable with,” said Bill Dorris, Naval Station Norfolk galley program manager. With its simplicity and ease of use, it’s not surprising that the QR craze caught on quickly. My goal is to have every installation use this method for all customer facing facilities.” “Across the Region, there are approximately 425 that provide a service. “Alongside UH facilities, we’re excited to report that since November of this year, all across the Mid-Atlantic are now using QR codes to manage customer expectations,” said Snodgrass. The program is continuing to expand past UH and into other customer-facing programs around like Child Development Centers (CDC), recreation facilities and galleys. Noticing an opportunity for process improvement, Donna Wilson, Charles Tweedy and Tom Kraemer established the innovative program that allows residents to submit maintenance requests and other room and faculty issues by simply pulling out their phones, scanning a QR Code, and submitting a form.ĭavid Snodgrass, requirements and performance integration for Navy Region Mid-Atlantic, stated that every UH facility across the Region is utilizing this innovative customer service tool.
#Army corps lock queue report code
The QR code initiative took off earlier this year thanks to Naval Submarine Base (SUBASE) New London’s Unaccompanied Housing team. A new Quick Response code program is taking customer service to the next level around the region.